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Corona Virus Update

Your kids are homeschooling, you are probably working from home, and everyone is going stir crazy. Maintaining a routine has been key to our sanity. Anything to get through this, am I right? Your kids hair doesn't stop growing just because the country has shut down. Or maybe you want to take advantage of free time by practicing braids that you've never had time to learn before. Are there questions you have that you always forget to ask us in the salon? While we cannot be in the salon to provide haircuts, we will be here online. We want to assure you that if you have any questions, concerns, or just need to talk, we are here.

Throughout this uncertain time, we are going to continue to serve your family. Always feel free to reach out to us, but especially now, if there is any content you want to see from us, let us know! Ashley has been posting tutorials from detangling to home bang-trims. I will be posting tutorials as well. Please please please! Reach out to us! We want to hear from YOU and will continue to create videos and streams that meet your needs.

This global pandemic has drastically uprooted our daily lives. As businesses close, we at Hairy Tales wanted to reassure that we are here for you. We are in the business of family, our dedication is to serving our community. As we know more, and eventually prepare to reopen, we will keep you updated. The future seems uncertain, but we are in this together.


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