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First Haircuts: The Do's and Dont's

First haircuts can be a monumental moment for parents, but often is daunting to a small child. We get it. A strange person coming towards your head with a blade doesn't exaclty read safety to a child. Here at HairyTales, we have seen it all when it comes to first haircuts: the good, the bad, and the ugly. But, not to worry, there are some easy ways that you can help ease your child's experience.

1. Do choose a time of day when your child is in their best mood. Try to bringing them when they might be overtired or hangry.

2. Don't bring too many people. When you have more than 1 or 2 adults with you, the child tends to get overwhelmed or stressed. We suggest that the parent(s) sit at eye level with their child to create a calm, relaxed atmosphere.

3. Do have distractions ready. We provide lolipops and animal crackers, but if your child has a favorite snack we reccomend bringing it for them to munch on. Videos, shows, or a small toy can also help.

4. Don't panick if your child gets upset or cries. This is a totally normal reaction. Children wiggle around, cry, and move their heads. We are not only used to this, we expect it. Try to remain calm, and reassure your child that they are safe and you are there. They may not trust us yet, but they do trust you.

5. Do take pictures. This is a milestone in your child's life, and a first haircut only happens once in a child's life. We provide a certificate and lock of hair to help you commemorate the moment.

6. Do keep your child on a regular schedule. We reccomend 6-8 weeks for boys and every 3 months for girls. This helps them remember the routine and become used to the situation. If your child is afraid of haircuts, we reccomend seeing the same hairdresser the next time, if possible. When they see the same person over and over, they are able to develop a relationship with us, and they know what to expect. Plus, it helps us to get to know your child and better understand their needs.

Remember, every reaction, whether happy or sad, is totally normal. Eventually every child becomes used to haircuts. We are honored to be a part of this experience, and are so excited to make the best experience possible for you and your child.

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